Certified scaffolds are also part of the many construction tools that exist and as such you have to take care of them and therefore you should know why it is advisable to clean your scaffolds regularly.
Scaffolding Cleaning

During their use in the different projects of works in heights, these can accumulate residues of different materials such as paints, plasters, cements, etc., which in some cases can adhere to the joints between the parts that make up the ring lock scaffolds , making the individual parts later not adjust correctly, causing instability in the structures. In this case there would be a high security risk.
Another one of the aspects that can be affected by the accumulation of waste in the scaffolds, is the weight of these. This can generate risks in the structures when calculated according to the original weight of these and in turn can also have economic disadvantages.
In these cases it is likely that the weight of the scaffolding exceeds the maximum load for the transport vehicle. The additional weight means that fuel consumption also increases and creates additional costs during transportation.
An adequate cleaning of all the parts that make up the certified scaffolding will guarantee a high security in the projects that require its use and something very important is that it will prolong its useful life.
Components used are Base plate, Caster or wheel, Neck, Vertical, Horizontal and diagonal, Platforms and stairs. The connections reliable wedge Jech stringers and diagonals je'el bin yano'ob loosening, rigid adjustment, your tojile 'ti' tuláakal connections and the concentric derivation u kuuch guarantees security páajtal ti 'le ka'anlil.
Although in this 2017 was a year of slow and slow recovery, according to the president of CAMACOL (Colombian Chamber of Construction), who spoke at the Economic sectorial forum, in 2018 the construction sector will grow by 4.6 %, starting the year with 150 thousand housing units.
Likewise, the co-director of the Bank of the Republic, assured that by 2018 a greater optimism is expected as a result of the global economy and the recovery of consumption in developed countries.
This news is not only favorable for the sector of construction equipment, such as scaffolding and ladders, but this recovery directly affects the overall economy of the country.